Microtia is a congenital condition where a baby is born with a small, underdeveloped, or missing external ear (auricle). It can affect one ear (unilateral microtia) or both ears (bilateral microtia). In some cases, microtia is accompanied by atresia, where the ear canal is absent or closed, leading to hearing loss.
Types of Microtia
Microtia is classified into four grades
Type 1—A smaller-than-normal ear with most structures present.
Type 2—A partially formed ear with some missing parts, often with a narrow or absent ear canal.
Type 3—The most common type—characterized by a small, peanut-shaped ear with no ear canal (atresia).
Type 4 (Anotia)—Complete absence of the external ear and ear canal.
Type 1 Microtia
A smaller-than-normal ear with most structures present.
A partially formed ear with some missing parts, often with a narrow or absent ear canal.
Type 2 Microtia
The most common type—characterized by a small, peanut-shaped ear with no ear canal (atresia).
Type 3 Microtia
Type 4 Anotia
Complete absence of the external ear and ear canal.
The exact cause is unknown, but it may be linked to genetic factors, prenatal environmental influences, or vascular disruptions during fetal development.
It occurs in about 1 in 6,000 to 12,000 births, with a higher incidence in males and typically affecting the right ear more often.
Causes & Risk Factors
• Hearing Aids—Bone conduction hearing devices can help if hearing is affected.
• Surgical Reconstruction—Can be done using the child’s rib cartilage (autologous ear reconstruction) or synthetic implants (Medpor or 3D-printed ears).
• Prosthetic Ears—Non-surgical, realistic silicone ears attached with adhesive or implants
Treatment Options
First Stage
Top Left—the position of the new ear is marked
Top Right—Ribs are harvested
Bottom Left—A cartilage frameworks is constructed using a reference templete
Bottom Right—Results at completion of the first stage
“I don’t like my ear, I LOVE my ear. It saved my life.”
A returning microtIa patient was anxious to tell us how much she loved her new ear as she believed it had saved her life.
During the pandemic, gave her the ability to wear a protective mask and eyewear. For this patient, her new ear was life saving and life changing.